To protect the name and values of Scouting America as well as the many reputable companies already licensed with us, only companies that can exhibit a commitment to the Scouting America brand, have established production and distribution capabilities, and/or offer a new or unique product will be granted the opportunity to obtain a Scouting America license.

Below are the different categories of opportunity for licensing Scouting America’s marks, words, and phrases.

Retail Product License

A Retail Product License is available to companies who have active national distribution channels and are interested in developing Scouting America licensed products for wholesale sales to a re-seller, or for direct sale to consumers.

This license type would include those products developed for and marketed to current Scouting membership, Scouting Alumni, and those individuals who share an affinity for the Scouting brand, when those products are sold through consumer retail channels (e.g., mass retailers, department stores, specialty stores), either online or via brick-and-mortar stores, or as may be specified in the License Agreement. This would include also include National Council High adventure bases (i.e. Philmont, Norther Tier, Florida Sea Base), and other Scouting channels where product is purchased directly from a licensee for resale purposes.

Scouting America Requirements for Retail Product License Consideration

  • Established national distribution channels
  • A minimum of three years experience in manufacturing and distribution of the product type being proposed
  • Five years’ prior experience in the product category and classification being proposed
  • Three years experience in online sales/e-commerce, if sales are proposed through this channel

Local Council Product License

A Local Council Product License is available to companies who are looking to sell products bearing Scouting America trademarks to Scouting America Local Councils and Units which are being personalized (i.e. Scouting events and activities) or products being distributed to the Scouting America National Council.

These types of products include:

  • Apparel
  • Headwear
  • Patches and Emblems (product category closed)
  • Fundraising
  • Recruiting Items

Typical Scouting America Requirements for Local Council Suppliers

  • A minimum of one years’ experience in manufacturing and distribution of the product being proposed
  • Three years’ prior experience in the product category and classification being proposed

ASI and PPAI Distributors

Companies that are ASI and PPAI distributors can purchase officially licensed products directly from Scouting America authorized suppliers which does not require the distributor to hold a product license with Scouting America.

If you are an ASI or PPAI distributor, please contact the following authorized licensed suppliers to order: